Oh my God, its already 6:10 and I'm not even done with the physics lab, will I make it on time? I rush from the lab to my classroom, and on the first floor I get a massive cramp on my leg, leave me behind, get to your class, save yourselves. As soon as I am back on my feet I scamper to my class. I made it on time. Phew! Students start assembling their projects, thankfully mine didn't need much assembly.
The teachers start asking for presenters to come up on "stage" and present their project and on which art philosopher they based it and how it wraps up their first blog entry. I had just one thought in my mind. What the hell? Was there supposed to be a presentation? Where was I when they said that? I am soooo doomed. I started browsing information that could help me present, I already how I knew why my project is art to me. But words couldn't come out.
It was all about inspiration, that what I did there could become a: "if we can do that with plastic, imagine if we enhance it and embrace the idea?" The applications and ideas would be limitless. Art inspires, gives that feeling of "I can do that" or "I can try that" and thats how knew things appear in life. Its just about inspiring and concentrating on what you want to transmit. With one person who is willing to make a change, that individual makes the whole world change. Surpassing criticism and negative ideologies, we can always shoot for the sky.